

超伝導量子干渉装置 -----SQUID


37 channel SQUID system is placed on the bottom of container, which record extremely weak magnetic signal emitted from the brain. SQUID system is cooled down to 4 degrees Kelvin by liquid Helium inside the container. Recording is performed inside the shilded room which attenuated the outcoming magnetic and electric noise.

磁気の分布と活動部位-----Magnetic signal and its origin


summation of inter-cellular current, which is produced during nuronal activation, is represented as a current vector. Magentic field is distributed in the clockwise direction against current dipole. By recording the distribution of magnetic field on the skull, the location of current dipole can be calcurated with the accuracy of milimeters.

聴覚中枢、感覚中枢の位置表示--Localization of auditory and sensory cortex by MEG


The location of current dipole can be presented on the 2-dimensional or 3-dimennsional CT, MRI images. The absolute locations of auditory cortex, somatosensory cortex and visual cortex can be presented. In this figure, localized neuronal activity in response to varions vowel sounds in the auditory cortex is shown.

神経磁気検査とは、中枢神経から発生する極めて微弱な磁気を、SQUIDという敏感な磁気センサーで記録し、その中枢神経の活動の位置と様式を明らかにする検査です。この検査は放射線などをまったく使わない検査です。 応用としては、聴覚中枢、感覚中枢、視覚中枢の位置や働き、てんかん、脳血管障害、奇形などの異常な神経活動をもつ患者さんの病変の場所を明らかにすることができます。電話での予約が必要です。

Magnetoencephalography is to clarify the location and modality of nuronal activity by recording the magnetic activity emitted from the brain utilizing the SQUID (super quantum interference device.
MEG is possible to localize the auditory cortex, sensory cortex, visual cortex with the accuracy of milimeters.
MEG is also possible to localize the abnormal nuronal activity often observed in patients with epilepcy, CVD, anomaly etc. All the test needs reservation.


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